Saturday, September 20, 2014

Pictures I've Taken - Yashica Electro 35 GSN

Over a year ago I purchased a Yashica Electo 35 GSN on eBay.  Not sure how much I paid for it, but I recall it was a good deal.   It's a fun rangefinder, but it tends to be a bit light leaky.  But only occasionally.  Here is a photo I took a few weeks ago with a roll of Ilford XP2 Super 400.  The fun thing about this roll is that I added a yellow filter that I purchased on eBay for $4.  I wanted to punch up the B&W images.  I took about 1/2 the photos with the yellow filter on and the other half without. It was a fun test.

The image is along Washington Street in Indianapolis's west side around 6pm.  Sun west of me, but hidden in the clouds so I had a soft box effect.  More photos and a blog post about the camera to follow.

1 comment:

  1. I have one, it had the POD when I bought it so I sent it in for the full workover. It feels like a real camera alright.
