Saturday, July 8, 2023

Olympus Infinity Stylus Epic

One of my favorite point & shoot 35mm film cameras is the Olympus Infinity Stylus Epic. It's compact, responsive, has a really sharp 35mm f/2.8 lens, is classified as "all weather" and it has a lens cover slide that also acts as the on / off switch. I've had this camera for as long as I can remember.

The problem is that over time and probably due to multiple bumps and bruises the back film door does not fully close. It latches but not securely. It's been that way for some time. 

As a result I get light leaks. In the past I've simply used black electrical tape to seal the back film door. However, as a test I wanted to see how bad the light leaks really were. If they were minimal then I would use the camera more often. 

I tested a roll of expired, bulk rolled Ilford Delta 400 and a roll of Fujifilm Fujicolor Superia X-TRA 400. 

Unfortunately, as you can see by the Delta 400 photos that I took during a recent long bike ride it has major light leaks. These cameras are somewhat "hot" now so the prices are a bit more than I want to pay for a, it's back to the electrical tape.