Saturday, March 4, 2023

Film Negatives - Flat or Curl

Flat Negatives Are Your Friends

Photographic film negative curling is an issue if you develop film yourself. During the digitizing or printing workflow your negatives will need to be scanned, photographed or used in a darkroom enlarger. Having film negatives "flat" is important. Even the slightest curling / cupping of the negative can make the film difficult to put into a scanner holder, keep flat on the scanner glass or keeping the entire photo in focus. You WANT your negatives to be as flat as possible for good results.

Different film stocks "curl" / "cup" to various amounts or remain flat while drying. How you dry your negatives (i.e., hanging with a weighted clip on the bottom) or your drying conditions (i.e., humidity level) will also impact how much a negative does or does not dry flat.

Here are a couple examples of flat and slightly curled negatives. Your results may be similar or much more cupping / curling.

Fomapan 400 dries flat

Fujicolor Superia X-TRA 400 has a moderate curl. This negative has been back-rolled

There are DIY ways to flatten curled negatives. You can cut your negatives, sleeve them and put them under a weight (like a book). You can back-roll the negative before cutting and keep it back-rolled for a few hours until flat, etc.

Again, what ever process you use, the simplest is to use film (WHEN POSSIBLE) that dries flat.

To help you decide, here is a list of films I've (or others) have used and how they "typically" end up when dried.  Please note, this list covers just 35mm film. 120 film curls more or less the same but if it curls it tends to curl more than 35mm. AGAIN AS A CAVEAT, your experience may vary.

  • ADOX HR50 - flat
  • Agfa APX 100 - flat
  • Agfa APX 400 - slight curl
  • Arista EDU 100 / 200 / 400 - flat
  • Arista EDU 100 DX - flat
  • Arista EDU 400 DX - flat
  • Berger Pancro 400 - slight curl
  • Camera Film Photo (CFP) 500T The Film - flat
  • CFP Kiki Pan 320 - flat
  • CineStill BWXX - slight curl
  • Dubblefilm Jelly - flat
  • Eastman Double-X (5222) - flat
  • EFKE 100 - curls
  • Fomapan 100 - flat
  • Fomapan 200 - flat
  • Fomapan 400 - flat
  • FPP Mummy - flat
  • FPP RetroChrome 320 - curls
  • Fujicolor Pro400H - light curl
  • Fujifilm Provia 100 - curls
  • Fujifilm 200 - slight curl
  • Fujifilm Fujicolor Superia X-TRA 400 - curls
  • Fujifilm Fujicolor Superia 800 - flat
  • Holga 400 - flat
  • Ilford Delta 100 - flat
  • Ilford Delta 400 - flat
  • Ilford FP4 - flat
  • Ilford HP5 - flat
  • Ilford Ortho 80 - flat
  • Ilford PAN 400 - flat
  • Ilford SPX 200 - flat
  • Ilford XP2 400 - flat
  • JCH Streetpan 400 - flat
  • Kentmere 400 - flat
  • Kodak Ektar 100 - flat
  • Kodak Ektachrome 100 - flat
  • Kodak EliteChrome 100 - curls
  • Kodak EliteChrome 200 - curls
  • Kodak Gold 200 120 - curls
  • Kodak Kodalith 6556 - flat
  • Kodak MAX 400 - curls
  • Kodak Plus X 125 - slight curl
  • Kodak Portra 160/400 - flat
  • Kodak Portra 800 - flat
  • Kodak T-Max - flat / slight curl
  • Kodak T-Max 3200 - flat / slight curl
  • Kodak Tri-X - curls
  • Kodak Ultramax 400 - flat
  • Kodak Vision3 250D - flat
  • Kodak Vision3 500T - flat
  • Kodak X-Pan 125 - slight curl / flat
  • Kono Moonstruck - flat
  • Kosmo Foto Agent Shadow - slight curl
  • LuckyPan 400 - flat
  • ORWO UN54 - flat
  • Rollei Retro 80s - flat
  • Rollei Retro 400s - flat 
  • Rollei RPX25 - flat
  • SHD100 Pro - flat
  • Shanghai GP3 - curls
  • Street Candy 400 - slight curl
  • Silberra Ultima - flat
  • Ultrafine 100 - flat
  • Ultrafine Finesse 400 - flat
  • Ultrafine Finesse 100 - flat

I'll update this list as I get feedback from others or have personal experience with other films.