I rarely modify or buy anything new for the film cameras I purchase, pick-up from Goodwill or get from friends. I have so many film cameras I would literally run out of money if anything was added to them. Anyway, most are point & shoots, so all I need to do is point & shoot. Not a lot of modifications can be done to point & shoots.
An exception was made this past week. During the week (as mentioned in my earlier post) I picked up a Canon EOS Elan II from a work colleague. It had a 2nd brand "kit" lens on it. The lens wasn't particularly fast, and I wanted a prime. I didn't have any Canon prime lenses that would fit, so I went down to my local camera store, Roberts Camera, and purchased a Canon EF 40mm f/2.8 prime, pancake lens. It's not much wider than a normal lens cap.
The plan was to use the camera during this past weekend's fashion shoot in studio for behind the scenes shots. Therefore, I purchased 2 rolls of Kodak 100 TMAX. I planned to use the camera with studio strobes.
It will be interesting to see how the photos come out. I used an Elinchrom EL-Skyport trigger to fire my studio lights, and metered the light to f/9 ASA 100. It worked out pretty well, once I got the settings cooked in. It will be interesting to see the quality of the photos. The film will need to be sent out because right now I don't have chemistry to process pure B&W.
Stay tuned to this channel!
That Elan II should feel like a giant compared to the Pentax ME.